news When I got my NES
Thursday, December 22, 2005 - by Cameron
The year was 1988. Rain Man was number one at the box office, and Kevin Arnold had just begun his journey towards manhood. I may have been only 5 years old but I remember this Christmas well, and it was a very special Christmas too. This was the year that I got my Nintendo.

I remember exactly when I found out my parents had purchased me a NES for Christmas. My Mother was telling my Aunt what she had got me, and being the clever women she is she decided to spell it out so I would be clueless. Her mistake was underestimating my genius. I may have been in kindergarten but I was a clever young lad and I had become a quick study to this reading thing. She spelled it out N-I-N-T-E-N… and I quickly realized what it was, and blurted out in joy “I am getting a Nintendo!?!” They stood there with expressions of shock on their faces, as they came to realize they had been outsmarted by a 5 year-old.

On December 25, 1988 I became the proud new owner of a Nintendo Entertainment System. Other than the Super Mario Brothers/Duck Hunt game that came with the system I also received Blaster Master. I remember playing the first level of Super Mario Brothers and finding it so hard. It seems easy now, but at 5 that first level proved to be quite a challenge. It wouldn’t be long before I was passed that level and soon on to other games like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Double Dragon II.

It all seems so long ago. It was a time when no one worried that a kid would become a serial killer because he played too many video games. There were no complex combos or controls to master and everyone joined in the fun. My Dad barely plays videogames now, except for a little Tiger Woods 03, but we used to play Super Mario Brothers for hours together. Videogames were very different back then, and I miss it. This year I think I will send a few hours with Mario and Luigi. I going to see if I can help out that princess in the other castle, and maybe I will be able to convince my dad to give me a hand.

I hope you create some gaming memories of your own this year, or maybe you might want to relive some old ones with frieds and families. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!


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