news Getting back into it
Monday, October 31, 2005 - by Cameron
About two years ago I stopped buying NES games, I just ran out of games to buy. I had bought just about every game I ever played as a child. There are several games that I still want, but they are the games that are harder to find and usually a bit more expensive when you do. I am cheap, I don't want to pay five bucks for a game that sucks, not to mention I was running out of room to store all my games.

In order to get an idea of what games were actually worth buying, I decided to do my homework. Through eBay I got my hands on a very valuable resource, old issuses of Nintedo Power. For about $50 plus shipping I got a large chunk of the Nintendo Power libray. They are full of reviews and screenshots, and have given me several new titles to keep an out for.

I am still looking for a decent way to store my collection. I want to them be seen and right now they are in a couple of boxes under my desk. I find that most shelving units I see aren't properly sized to fit NES games, and since I have limited space I need the unit to hold lots of game and take up only a small amount of space. I have seen NES games stored in a shelve that was intended for use with cds and that seems to make for a nice fit. I have seen some pictures of cool custom made stuff but I want something easy.

news The journey begins
Saturday, October 29, 2005 - by Cameron
This marks the formal begining of my quest to completing my NES collection. I begin with a total of 106 games, not a bad collection but a far cry from the final goal of 786. I hope to fill this blog with tales of my garage sales finds, and brief story from my childhood. I may occasionally post a game review, but it is not something I plan to do on a regular basis.

If you have a few pictures of your NES collection then drop me an email and i will post them. I hope to have some pictures and a detailed list of all my games soon. Most of my games are just loose carts but I have many with boxes and manuals too.
