news e3 Maddness
Thursday, May 11, 2006 - by Cameron
Todays post has nothing to do with NES collecting, and I am not planing more posts like this anytime soon, but it is fricken e3 so I will make an exception.

Unfornutaly I am not attending e3 this year, but some day maybe. For now I am just an outside observer like most people. The online coverage has been great. I was able to watch the Nintendo Confrence via a live stream and I was able to dowload the other two via bittorrent.

Nintendo has me fired up. When I see the videos of people playing, I get a warm and fuzzy felling inside because it looks like so much fun. I can't wait to get my hands on one. I was hoping Nintendo would release the price, but no. I am loving the return of the zapper, Duck Hunt 2? I am sick of waiting for the new Zelda, so it better be amazing.

The only thing I wanted to see was Halo 3, and it looks like it will be out some time in 2007, too bad. I was suprised to see that the next GTA will launch for Xbox 360 and PS3 at the same time. Fable 2... need I say more? I am intested in their plans to make Live availible everywhere, but I don't use Live that often.

The games look good and I am glad they went back to the dual shock style controller, but the price is way too high for me. I won't be getting one this fall at $659.99 (Canadian price for the full featured version). 8 days was a game that look interesting and so did John Woo's Stranglehold.


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